Saturday, March 31, 2012

Issues with port steersuite to CUDA and some possible solutions

I have been trying to port SteerSuite code to CUDA for about an week. The largest obstacle with this is the inter-class referred the data structure.

In the class GridDatabase2D, the pointer _basePtr points to the overall database which stores every single item we need to draw and move, and the pointer _cells points to a GridCell array which stores the pointers of all the items according to those items' location.

But in the class SimulationEngine, there is a list of agent pointers and a list of obstacle pointers, which are the basic items in the whole database. And the updates are done via the list of agent pointers. In agent module, there is global pointer pointing to the GridDatabase2D, so each agent can update the database.

Adding items, either Agent or Obstacle, is kinda different. In TestCasePlayerModule, test case file is read here and parsed, then obstacles and agents are added in to _obstacles and _agents respectively. But agents are added into the database in a different way from the obstacles, via createAgent method in SimulationEngine by resetting each agent.

The interplay among those classes complicate the porting work, so I am planning not to reuse the updateAI code directly but to copy the underlying data, _basePtr and _cell out, process them in the GPU, and copy back afterwards. The workload is quite a lot, but this seems to be the only way unless I can get a better graphic card which supports CUDA with compute compatibility 2.x. Then I can reuse the C++ code directly, if CUDA can fully support the C++ features used in the SteerSuite.

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